Making and Measuring UX Impact

How do we measure the success and impact of the UX discipline on product?

In a recent panel discussion at Microsoft’s UXR Conference, I sat down with design and research leaders across Microsoft to define layers of UX impact and methods for measuring this impact.

Panel perspectives are captured in my original post on the Microsoft UXR Blog.

A photo of a person working on a Windows Surface laptop.

Using Synthesis to Build Better Products

A powerful method for uncovering new user insights and surfacing durable customer insights is a research synthesis. A synthesis is a merging of insights and themes into a centralized report. A synthesis may take the form of a thematic analysis, literature review, or historical report (i.e., what do we know about this product looking back at the last 5 years of research).

Many researchers and teams of researchers skip a synthesis. While this is not problematic in the short-term, it is problematic for product development and innovation in the long-term. We’ll just keep building the same products or encountering the same user pain points year after year, acting as if this is fresh insight, which serves neither the business nor the customer.

In this original article on Medium, I provide an approach and process for conducting a research synthesis and how to use the insights from a synthesis to build better products.

4 Micro-Tips for Writing Better Data and Insights Reports

Research stakeholders are really busy. Getting stakeholders to consumer research reports, and act on the insights in reports is an art.

In this original post on Medium, I share four small tips that can be used to better engage stakeholders who need to read your research reports. By leveraging theories of cognition in the design of the report, I’ve increased my readership and inspired action on insights.